I was 24 years old in 1984 when I picked up a copy of PEACE CHILD at a Missions Conference at People’s Church in Toronto. I was enthralled from the first sentence. Nothing in my world could prepare me for this story. I had no understanding of the concept of "redemptive analogy".
Then I discovered LORDS OF THE EARTH. The third book I read was ETERNITY IN THEIR HEARTS. His illumination of Ecclesiastes 3:11 and Acts 17:23 were 2 scriptures that set my life in motion. The 3 books combined helped shape the foundation of my call to serve fulltime in Missions. My husband and I worked with Operation Mobilization for 6 years documenting outreach in 15+ countries. We then moved to Orlando to serve with Pioneers.
The last 20 years we have managed our own marketplace business creating our own hybrid of business as missions. We are currently engaged with PERSPECTIVES ON THE WORLD CHRISTIAN MOVEMENT and have hosted Don Richardson at several classes in Central Florida. It was also a significant moment when my friend of 30 years and I were able to pose with him at a recent Perspectives Intensives. We have deeply enjoyed meeting Carol and Don.
It was such a landmark to attend the Missio Nexus LIFETIME OF SERVICE AWARD ceremony held in Don’s honor on June 7. To hear them mention the very same 3 books I read three decades ago gave me a moment to ponder the journey of my life. So deeply grateful for the ministry of the Richardsons.

Grateful. Edith and Tami Sue PERSPECTIVES INTENSIVE Wycliffe March 2018
Thank you, Tami Sue! What a meaningful tribute. Many similar stories could be told, I'm sure!